Hi all. If you want to host on mutliple master servers, follow this guide:
now you can choose out of 2 alternitives.
If you want to host on:
master.fragaholic.com, you need to have no nepthys installed.
ittl host there by default. but with the price of an unprotected server
or if you want to host on: master.hdd21server.co.cc, follow this guide:
First: make sure nepthys is intalled. (there are many other reaons you should install this, one being it stops people crashing your server).
The verson installed needs to be this one:
http://rapidshare.com/files/137639911/Nephthys_v1.4a100_inst.zip.html(this verson is on most servers with nepthys anyways).
and open deusex.ini.
find this part:
ServerActors=Nephthys.NptServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master0.gamespy.com MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=Nephthys.NptServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=Nephthys.NptServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.fragaholic.com MasterServerPort=27900
and replace epicgames.com with hdd21server.co.cc
And then save the file. And your done.
Epicgames.com is long dead.
After saving it should look like this:
ServerActors=Nephthys.NptServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master0.gamespy.com MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=Nephthys.NptServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.hdd21server.co.cc MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=Nephthys.NptServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.fragaholic.com MasterServerPort=27900
I hope this helps
If there is anymore mss i missed out post it