In game name: Spongbob (from spongbob square pants)
Past Dx clans: None hopefully this will be the first one
Location:England (just over the road from [LTK]Sonic*LDR*)
Reasons for joining: read below
Ok heres the deal, this application was done by Sonic on behalf of Spongbob
to be honest spongbob dose not know a thing about playing DX Mp (or even Sp)
but im trying to teach him how to become a good player (I have told him it will take him months to be good at this game)
but when i found Dx a most of my time went into getting into it and knowing everything about it, im still learning new things everyday myself)
Spongbob wants to be in this clan because I have told him this is one of the best, and that im in it and as he knows nothing he will need someone to be on with him and because i live over the road im the best person to do this for him.
I would like for him to become an [LTK] in training as he will not be representing the clan until he is ready so for the poll im puting two option, No and trial.
If he is accepted he will become like my apprentice and i will spend a lot of time getting him up to the level of most players in [LTK] ( I will also teach about forums and staying active, pretty much everything he needs to become part of DX MP).
P.S I have already had someone offer to help me train him (Thanks pulsegunner) Anyone else that wants to help train him please tell me because it would be appreciate it, thanks.